Photo: Elaine Su-Hui, Garden of Hope, Bed Stuy
Solidarity as Sanctuary
Wednesday 20 March, 2024
6.30 - 8.30pm
Buddhist temple in Newtown, Gadigal land
How can we resource ourselves as we continue to bear witness to the ongoing horrors and injustices in Palestine? How can we strengthen our community’s response to state violence, oppression and racism? What is the role of spiritual practice in activism?
This evening offers a space of solidarity and embodied resilience for those engaged with Palestinian liberation. Through somatic and mindfulness practices from the Buddhist tradition, we will cultivate skillful and compassionate ways of acknowledging the full range of our grief, rage, despair, hope, and love. Only through community can we strengthen our response to all forms of anti-colonial struggle.
Participants of all and no faith traditions are welcome, no previous knowledge of Buddhism or meditation is necessary. The temple is a wheelchair accessible space.
All Inner Fields events are offered by dana (free will giving).
Registrations are required to receive the address.