Primal Ecology: Colláges of Mind and Landscape, with Elaine Su-Hui
7-9pm, Friday July 7, 2017 (new date!!)
Artwork by Fred Tomaselli
Based upon a Surrealist drawing game known as the 'Exquisite Corpse', this workshop will contemplate the seamless weaving of Mind and Landscape and Self and Other through the visual language of colláge, chance and collaboration. A series of short, guided meditations throughout the workshop will encourage a spirit of spontaneity and an awareness of the creative possibilities present in constant change. No previous art or meditation experience necessary.
To register for Primal Ecology, please fill out the form below and make your donation via Venmo to @elainesuhui. Once registered, you will then receive a confirmation email with the address and any further information you'll need. Feel free to ask any questions below!