First Inner Fields gathering in LA!
An outdoor listening experience
with musician Jolie Holland & Elaine Su-Hui
and special guests, Stevie Weinstein-Foner & Jordan Wainer
7 - 9pm
Topanga Canyon, CA
Using music, sound and voice as a frame for the sounds and silence of the mountain, this will be an evening exploring 'Mountain Philosophy' and 'Mountain Practice' in the spirit of the ancient Chinese poets and sages.
This gathering will take place in a secret outdoor location in Topanga Canyon. Guests will be requested to bring blankets, pillows and flashlights. RSVP below to receive the address.
Like all Inner Fields gatherings, this event is offered by dana (free will giving). Dana is a Pali word referring to the act of giving and is an intentional practice to cultivate one's own generous spirit. Whatever you feel inspired to give is deeply appreciated. The dana will be shared equally between Inner Fields and Jolie Holland. Thank you for participating in this vital aspect of Inner Fields.